No Time for a Workout? Here's Why You're Wrong


Studies have shown that people who exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at time have a higher rate of consistency than those who work out for 45 to 60 minutes at a time. The results are clear: You may be more likely to stick with shorter workouts than longer ones!

So what does that mean? It means you are out of excuses because you DO have time.

Here are my top tips for making the most of a short workout for maximum results!

Utilize interval training. Interval training (alternating between bursts of higher-intensity and lower-intensity) not only improves your fitness level, but burns more fat than exercising at a single steady pace. Try short intervals (start with 10 to 30 seconds) of high-intensity exercise (such as sprints or spin intervals) followed by some longer intervals (about one to two minutes) of lower intensity moves (such as walking or jogging). Repeat for a great 15-20 minute workout!

Add an incline. No time to make it to the gym today? Find a hill or a rolling path to walk!. Not only will this challenge your body and burn a greater number of calories than doing the same exercise on a flat surface, but you’ll build endurance through this outlet of steady state cardio. 

Circuit circles. Incorporating circuit training keeps your heart rate up, revs your metabolism, and burns more calories by moving quickly from one exercise to the next with minimal rest. Not sure where to start? Check out one of my blogs from last month all about AMRAP and EMOM for some ideas to get you going today!

Work your muscles. Compound exercises, which work multiple muscle groups at once, save you time and give you more bang for your buck. Perhaps you go right from a dumbbell squat to an overhead press, or a hanging curl to a pullback row. Another option is adding supersets that work the upper and lower body within the same set! Combining a set of squats followed by bicep curls is a great way to keep the momentum of your workout going while the other muscle group rests. 

Remember friends, you don’t need a ton of time to get in your workout! Every minute counts!