Daily Non Negotiables Are A Must

We are busy. We work. We parent. We have get-togethers. We try to exercise. We are all busy. But do you have set things you do each and every day that are without question? It seems like in this day and age we glorify the fact that we are “busy”. I know this is one of my biggest struggles. I always seem to MAKE myself busy.


So what about those daily things we need to be doing to support our health and overall wellbeing? The daily non negotiables. Do we make sure we are doing those small things day in and day out despite how “busy” our lives may be?

There comes a point where you have to make the conscious decision on what your “non negotiables” are. These are the things that no matter how tired you are, how drained you are, how busy you are - you will make it happen. These are the things that even if your to-do list is a mile long, you find a sense of pride in knowing these tasks have been completed. These are the things that bring value to your life, make you a better mom, a better wife, a better person for those around you and allow you to better serve the Lord. In the beginning, it takes mental energy to do it - a lot of it. But after some time and practice, it becomes a habit. I don’t recommend having these daily non negotiables be things like “eat all my fruits and veggies” because sometimes that just can’t happen. Instead, focus on things that will keep you centered and focused on your long term wellbeing.

A few of my personal non-negotiables include getting no less than 7-8 hours of sleep a night, quiet time every morning with my Bible and coffee in hand, movement throughout the day, and being OFF my electronics by 7pm every night to spend quality time with my family! Not only does this help me keep my priorities in check, but there is power in knowing that I am truly giving my time to things that MATTER.

How do you form health-conscious non-negotiables?

First you must form a conscious habit and you do this by consciously practicing these things over a period of time.

Second, when the internal debate starts you dismiss it and do not give it power.

And lastly, lean in to Him if you are struggling. Let Him be your guiding light towards making the time for the things that matter to you most.

I truly hope that you are able to adapt daily non-negotiables, bring more value to your life, and let go of the need to conquer everything else on your to-do list. When these non-negotiables are completed, I’d say you’ve won the day and everything else is just a bonus!